Photographs from this shoot available for purchase as a 13 x 20 in. print, edition 1 of 10, here.
Info about the work:
Standing tall, after a period of experiencing zero physical strength to stand.
Draped with a cape sewn from (about a quarter of) the IV bags used for my Lyme treatment. Some of these bags were once filled with a mixture of antibiotics that aimed to kill the infection at the source, which further debilitated me physically. Other bags were filled with mineral cocktails, silver, and glutathione... nectars which initiated molecular rejuvenation, detoxification, and rehabilitation. Together, these medicines purposefully knocked me down and picked me back up. That has been our relationship the past 2 years.
Having once filled my body, now their shadow is much larger than my physical mass.
Photographed as part of a video performance, the cape symbolizes the additional weight the body feels when experiencing chronic fatigue and illness. It’s overbearing; and when you’re down, it swallows you whole. Yet slowly, one learns to stand again, and the cape becomes weightless.
Its adornment shifts to providing empowerment, and maybe even... a shield against future storms.
This work intersects my Field Studies on Standing Tall and Hidden Costs of Wellness series